Saturday, December 13, 2008

Geminids Possible?

The time is 3 am on the day of the Geminids. I just went up to my terrace to have a look at the sky. Just as I hoped there wasn't any clouds. I was really happy about it. But something else started bothering me. It was the full moon. The moon was very bright. It was almost near the zenith (the point exactly over your head). The moon was so bright such that even the great Orion Constellation was very dull. And the stars in the sky was countable. All I could see on the sky other than the moon was the Orion belt, Betelguese, Regiel, Sirius, Regulus, Pollux, Arcturus, Canopus, Capella, Aldebaran, Procyon and ofcourse Saturn. The number of stars in the sky is so easily countable. I wonder how many of the meteors can actually be seen. Its gonna be difficult but I'll never let my hopes down.


Harikumar said...

dude post something other than astronomy here......

Inchara Prakash said...

of course i will... I couldnt post this in FLY WITH A TWITTER. Hence I posted here..