Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wiki Blunder!

Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia in the world and there is no doubt about it. One day I was so bored that I started browsing, clicking links after links. One led to another and I end up with a news of the death of the actor 'Kunal Singh' of 'Kadhalar Dhinam' fame. I wanted to read more about his death and I tried Wiki search but did not find his page. I found the page 'Kadhalar Dhinam' and clicked on the link to the actor. And here I found the big wiki blunder.

I clicked on the link of actor Kunal but I ended up in the page of 'Kunalan', son of Ashoka the great, emperor of 3rd century BC. I so used to believe that wiki is perfect and I felt very bad when I realized this mistake by wiki.


Kavin said...

there are many blunders in wiki... and we cannot expect wiki to be the best... cause when it was opened first and publicised, many didn't trust the content as anyone could edit it... but a review team was set up to make sure the content are trust worthy...

vivek said...

you can still edit the err is human dude(s)!!
wiki is bound to have matter what!